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Loomis U.S.’s Former SafePoint Team Develops New Strategy to Expand Product Focus for Future Client Success


Loomis U.S. announced that its SafePoint Business Development team will be renamed to the National Retail Business Development team to better reflect the team’s new expanded scope of focus that will benefit Loomis clients in 2021 and beyond.

Prior to the rename, the SafePoint Business Development team focused solely on helping clients optimize their in-store cash-handling process through the use of smart safe and cash recycler technology. The team’s rename and expanded responsibilities helps Loomis clients continue to automate their in-store cash operating activities, reduce vendors, simplify processes, and ultimately, save time and money while gathering valuable insight for their business.

“This team is deeply in tune with the macroeconomic and industry trends within retail and restaurant segments,” said Lenny Evansek, Senior Vice President of the newly named National Retail Business Development team. “Future Loomis clients will work with a Loomis Representative who understands the needs, goals, challenges, and pain points affecting clients on a daily basis. They will be able to approach a client problem differently and not just solve for one element of their business.  As Loomis US expands its portfolio of Retail solutions in the future, the National Retail Business Development Team will be looked upon to bring those solutions to the market and to our clients.”

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